DRYPOINT M 干燥膜组适用于呼吸空气处理

2020-03-27     1817

DRYPOINT M 干燥膜组适用于呼吸空气处理


        压缩空气在进入干燥膜组干燥的过程中,并不会减少氧气含量,也不会改变空气成分,更不会释放出不适合呼吸装置使用的挥发性有机成分(VOCs所以我们的DRYPOINT M干燥膜组,可用于呼吸空气处理装置。

        …… we do have certification that our membranes are suitable to treat breathing air (oxygen is not reduced during drying process). Also, we do have a certification that our membranes do not outgas volatile organic components (VOCs) in an amount to be non-suitable for breathing units.


The membranes do not affect the content of oxygen in the air.


Since they also do not affect the composition of the gas in terms of CO2, SO2, and other toxic parts, these have to be separated within the process (This has to be solved by other components in the system which are not our focus)……